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photo of Qingchuan Pavilion
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    Also named Qingchuan Tower, Qingchuan Pavilion is located at the Northern bank of the Yangtze River, facing the famous Yellow Crane Tower across the river. The ancient Qingchuan Pavilion was built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), for the memory of the great hero Yu, who dredged floods of the rivers. It was named after a sentence from the famous poem written by Cui Hao, a poet in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), i.e. “By sun-lit river trees can be counted one by one, on Parrot Islet sweet green grass grows fast and thick.” At the foot of the Tortoise Hill and beside the Yangtze River, the pavilion, with a unique landscape, is termed as “the first Qingchuan Tower in Chu State”.

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